Am I The American Police Robbery Squad or Who? Chinese Police Begin War On Crime In Colorado

As of late 2019, approximately 10,000 police officers, along with local businesses and government representatives will meet in Denver to discuss how to bring crime down drastically. They plan to focus on “problem areas” and those places where there’s a high crime rate. The group, led by China’s Bureau of Public Security, plans to transform all of Boulder, Colorado into a “Little China” of sorts, with even extra cops being assigned to the area.
According to the Register, the NYPD doesn’t have an identical plan planned on the horizon for China, but they must be similar in some way, just so they can learn from one another.
They’re also all talking about the American Gangster Initiative (AGI), as explained by the U.S. Congress, which attempted to bring crime down by an effort that would allow the U.S. to use drone-like technology to strike at crime organizations, cartels and other criminals in Mexico.
“Mexican organized crime has moved into the United States and the United States can no longer ignore this phenomenon,” read one Congressional report from January 2011. “The Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy said ‘we’re locked in a war with the Mexican cartels’ and we need to ‘back off from Mexico.’”
But the report also said that drone technology was a great way to sidestep the U.S. government in an effort to bring down the cartels.
“By being able to control Mexican drug traffickers from a distance, we can reduce the immediate threat and may provide a means to prepare the American public for a more active role in stopping these syndicates,” stated the report.
So, as of today, another kind of showdown in American politics is shaping up!
Tune in to ESPN on September 25th at 7 p.m. EST for a special news conference of Denver Police Chief Robert White and China Police.