American Dream No Longer Possible For Chinese Students

The United States is the land of dreams. The land of everyone can do anything, but the definition of having your dream fulfilled is not dependent on how many US dollars a person has or the amount of US citizens living in China.
Apparently, the thousands of young Chinese and Taiwanese young people have been told that the Chinese Dream is reaching American shores. How good a dream is that? Apparently, many young people from China and Taiwan have gone to the US to pursue a college education and obtain a job in American culture. For those who have not yet reached their dream, maybe going to the US is not the right idea. Instead, why not give the opportunity for a higher education in a Chinese system which truly provides students a leg up in life? Is the proper pace for the Chinese student to graduate with the correct information set faster so as to achieve college or university acceptance ahead of his/her American counterparts?
Is Chinese Education geared toward studying for the best job in your field of career, or is it geared toward helping prepare students to meet the government department requirements to successfully obtain a job in your field of employment? Also, is it aligned with the goals of the workers living and working at the workplace in China, or is it reflected in the self-fulfillment goals of the Chinese government? These types of questions must be asked on an individual level, because there are so many different pressures that impact the Chinese student’s performance in the classroom and its impact in how that student feels about American culture.
An unfortunate reality, I suppose, is that not every young person achieves the dream of having an American dream. A sad realization is also that some of them try to fulfill their dream, and fail and move back to China, and now I know what happens to “American Dream” after everyone’s American dream is going to fail. It’s sad and frustrating to think that the young Chinese and Taiwanese people are not getting the American dream. That’s what they’ve been educated to believe is in front of them. Sadly, this is not what many people see from China. Maybe it is not the American dream as they’ve been told it is.