The Chinese government is getting the voodoo monkey and chain started on some groups who want help from the Chinese.

The Chinese government is getting the voodoo monkey and chain started on some groups who want help from the Chinese.
The business community has been one of the most popular targets of Chinese misbehavior as of late. It’s no wonder that many American businesses look to China for tech advancement. Businesses need the best and brightest minds and that is exactly what the Chinese government is giving them.
Therefore, it should come as no surprise to hear that businesses with conflicts with Chinese interests are being demonized. Remember that 60% of total world trade happens between China and other countries.
Influential TV hosts of high TV ratings have decided to name China as a terrorist country.
Annually, people across the U.S. donate 20 billion dollars to charity. That is nothing! Annual China gift purchases to other countries break the 20-billion dollar barrier each and every year!
China is not only the biggest charitable giver, but it is also the world’s largest investor. From China “Buyer Backs” to lobbying groups to elected officials.
The Chinese government has held 9,000 “world-class” meetings on trade and development goals since 2014.
As of August, 1.73 billion dollars was donated to Save the World’s Children.
Most countries do not have these ridiculous regulations. Despite being a world superpower, China doesn’t have such a restrictive law of its own. Many countries do. The U.S. stands out as one of those countries that don’t even have laws limiting their citizens to giving to charity.
The Chinese government will always find ways to pay off its debts. If it has to pay over $10 trillion dollars to the U.S. it would find a way.
Oh, there’s more!
China recently helped scientists discover marijuana! Do you know how a government knows about marijuana in the first place? That’s right. They “observed” it!
Total capital reserves in China are $16 trillion dollars, yet MEXICO’s capital reserves are just $200 billion dollars!
The list of ridiculous laws and regulations is long. The arrogance and hypocrisy of China is nothing short of horrifying. Not only is China the world’s biggest aid giver, it is also China’s biggest investment factory. We have reached the point where the Chinese government is not only hurting us, it’s hurting themselves.